Save the Murray-Darling, Save Australia’s Nature

Save the Murray-Darling, Save Australia’s Nature

Up to a million fish are dead in the Darling River. And scientists are predicting there are more to come.

Unfortunately this is yet another major Australian environmental crisis unfolding. Like: Australia's skyrocketing deforestation rates, the mass bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef, and the ongoing extinction of ever more native species.

These tragedies are man-made and could have been avoided. For too long vested interests have taken advantage of weak environmental laws, overseen by weak governments.

It’s time for strong national nature laws that actually work. It’s time for an independent environment protection watchdog with teeth ...

Up to a million fish are dead in the Darling River. And scientists are predicting there are more to come.

Unfortunately this is yet another major Australian environmental crisis unfolding. Like: Australia's skyrocketing deforestation rates, the mass bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef, and the ongoing extinction of ever more native species.

These tragedies are man-made and could have been avoided. For too long vested interests have taken advantage of weak environmental laws, overseen by weak governments.

It’s time for strong national nature laws that actually work. It’s time for an independent environment protection watchdog with teeth to defend our natural environment from inappropriate overuse and development—like the plundering of the Murray-Darling river system of its water.

As the Federal Election approaches, our political leaders are more keen to listen to you, as they try win your vote. Now is the time to apply maximum pressure to ensure they commit to real change.

Email Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten demanding stronger national nature laws that actually work to defend the Murray-Darling and Australia’s nature.


Image: ABC | Facebook, Debbie Newitt

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Authorised by L Schneiders on behalf of The Wilderness Society Ltd, Suite 201, Level 2, 46 Kippax Street Surry Hills  NSW  2010



Email the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader today!

Email Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten today. It’s easy! Just use the form below. Adding a personal message will have a more of an impact.

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  • Describe a time you've visited the Murray-Darling Basin
  • Describe why this issue is important to you