The NT needs new nature laws, now.

The NT needs new nature laws, now.

The Northern Territory’s iconic natural and cultural landscapes with intact free-flowing rivers, lie at the heart of the largest intact savanna on Earth.  

But the Top End's amazing natural and cultural values are deteriorating due to pervasive and increasing threats. 

Deforestation for cotton and fracking are sliding species further towards extinction, threatening precious water flows, and are layering on top of existing pressures from hot fires, feral species and invasive weeds. All of which is resulting in ecosystems on the brink of collapse. 

With development pressure intensifying in the NT every year, nature needs new Territory laws as ...

The Northern Territory’s iconic natural and cultural landscapes with intact free-flowing rivers, lie at the heart of the largest intact savanna on Earth.  

But the Top End's amazing natural and cultural values are deteriorating due to pervasive and increasing threats. 

Deforestation for cotton and fracking are sliding species further towards extinction, threatening precious water flows, and are layering on top of existing pressures from hot fires, feral species and invasive weeds. All of which is resulting in ecosystems on the brink of collapse. 

With development pressure intensifying in the NT every year, nature needs new Territory laws as a first line of defence to protect the globally significant natural and cultural values—things we all love about the Top End.

With Territorians heading to the polls on 24 August 2024, now is a crucial time for all Australians to make our voices heard on protecting the integrity of the world’s most intact tropical savanna.

Image courtesy of ECNT
Authorised by A. Young, the Wilderness Society, 132 Davey St, Hobart TAS 7000

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