National parks aren’t for mining

National parks aren’t for mining

In 2021, the South Australian government created Australia’s largest national park—Munga-Thirri / Simpson Desert National Park—covering an area of 3.6 million hectares.

Munga-Thirri / Simpson Desert is a vast, globally-important wilderness in Australia’s heart with continuous First Nations custodianship stretching back thousands of years. And this new national park is helping to protect the region’s more than 900 species of animals and plants. 

But fossil fuel companies still hold leases to potentially expand the gas industry into the Munga-Thirri / Simpson Desert National Park. If it seems illogical that a national park can be managed for both ...

In 2021, the South Australian government created Australia’s largest national park—Munga-Thirri / Simpson Desert National Park—covering an area of 3.6 million hectares.

Munga-Thirri / Simpson Desert is a vast, globally-important wilderness in Australia’s heart with continuous First Nations custodianship stretching back thousands of years. And this new national park is helping to protect the region’s more than 900 species of animals and plants. 

But fossil fuel companies still hold leases to potentially expand the gas industry into the Munga-Thirri / Simpson Desert National Park. If it seems illogical that a national park can be managed for both conservation and mining—that’s because it is!

In the 2022 state election the new South Australian Labor government committed to “No further extensions to be granted for Petroleum Exploration Leases currently held by Tri-Star within and adjacent to the Munga-Thirri / Simpson Desert National Park and the immediate retirement of the leases if/when Tri-Star withdraws.”

Please email Deputy Premier and Minister for Climate, Environment and Water Susan Close thanking the SA government for the policy commitment and supporting her in its delivery as a matter of urgency. 

Together, we can stop the expansion of the fossil fuel industry into places like the Munga-Thirri / Simpson Desert National Park.


Email SA Deputy Premier today!

Email Deputy Premier and Minister for Climate, Environment and Water Susan Close asking her to protect the new Munga-Thirri / Simpson Desert National Park from the fossil fuel industry.

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