Prime Minister Albanese: You must improve the status quo for nature

Prime Minister Albanese: You must improve the status quo for nature

The next few days are critical.

Changes to Australia’s national nature laws are being negotiated now.

The Albanese government promised to fix Australia’s broken nature laws, but mining interests are lobbying the PM to weaken the reforms at the last minute.

Will you send a quick email to the PM so his team knows there’s an enormous wave of voters who are watching closely and demanding action for nature?

Together, we need to rapidly tell Prime Minister Albanese that his only option is to work together with the Greens and senate crossbench to pass three critical reforms ...

The next few days are critical.

Changes to Australia’s national nature laws are being negotiated now.

The Albanese government promised to fix Australia’s broken nature laws, but mining interests are lobbying the PM to weaken the reforms at the last minute.

Will you send a quick email to the PM so his team knows there’s an enormous wave of voters who are watching closely and demanding action for nature?

Together, we need to rapidly tell Prime Minister Albanese that his only option is to work together with the Greens and senate crossbench to pass three critical reforms that are needed to improve the status quo for nature.


We're calling on the Prime Minister to work with the senate crossbench on the following urgent amendments to Australia's federal nature law:

  1. Create an independent EPA that is transparent and accountable to communities

  2. Close deforestation loopholes and ensure deforestation is assessed under national laws

  3. Greater inclusion of First Nations in environmental assessment and decision-making 

Please send your email today!



Email the Prime Minister today!

Email Prime Minister Albanese to call on him to negotiate with the senate crossbench to pass Nature Positive bills that will improve the status quo for nature.

A copy of your email will also be sent to your local MP. Just enter your address below and click send. A personalised message will have a bigger impact, simply edit the text in the box below. 

Compose your email

Email Tips +

A personalised message is more powerful, please include one or more of these points in your email to the Prime Minister or write one of your own.

  • ALP committed at the last election to establishing an Environment Protection Agency, and since then Environment Minister Plibersek has committed to no new extinctions—if these bills fall over ALP will be breaking promises and commitments.

  • Australia leads the world in mammal extinctions and is the second worst for biodiversity loss. 

  • 20 new species were added to the federal List of Threatened Species in the last month showing that the government’s inaction on improving nature laws is harming nature