Stop the expansion of the gas industry into the future Munga-Thirri/Simpson Desert National Park

Stop the expansion of the gas industry into the future Munga-Thirri/Simpson Desert National Park

The South Australian government has recently announced a historic plan to turn the Munga-Thirri/Simpson Desert into Australia's largest national park, covering an area of 3.6 million hectares.[1]

Munga-Thirri/Simpson Desert is a vast, globally-important wilderness in Australia’s centre. It’s home to the world’s longest parallel sand dunes just above the largest salt lake: Kati Thanda/Lake Eyre. When it floods in the Munga-Thirri/Simpson, water runs through the sand ridges, creating wetlands teeming with bird life. The region has more than 900 species of animals and plants with continuous First Nations custodianship stretching ...

The South Australian government has recently announced a historic plan to turn the Munga-Thirri/Simpson Desert into Australia's largest national park, covering an area of 3.6 million hectares.[1]

Munga-Thirri/Simpson Desert is a vast, globally-important wilderness in Australia’s centre. It’s home to the world’s longest parallel sand dunes just above the largest salt lake: Kati Thanda/Lake Eyre. When it floods in the Munga-Thirri/Simpson, water runs through the sand ridges, creating wetlands teeming with bird life. The region has more than 900 species of animals and plants with continuous First Nations custodianship stretching back thousands of years.

This grand initiative, on a scale the Wilderness Society has been advocating for over a decade, is a significant step toward creating a north-south conservation corridor in the heart of Australia, allowing endangered animals and plants to move and adapt to a rapidly changing climate.

Fossil fuel companies still hold leases to potentially expand the gas industry into the new Munga-Thirri/Simpson Desert National Park. Given the serious impact climate change is already having on Australia’s fragile desert ecosystems and its people,[2] it is critical that fossil fuel industry expansion is stopped.

Please email Minister for Environment and Water David Speirs thanking him for putting the proposal forward for Australia’s largest national park and let him know you support its passage through the SA Parliament in the coming months. And ask him to stop the expansion of the gas industry into the future national park.

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[1] Office of the South Australian Premier, Press release: South Australia to get Australia’s biggest national park

[2] Allam, L. and Evershed, N., 2019, Too hot for humans? First Nations people fear becoming Australia's first climate refugees, the Guardian.


Email Minister for Environment and Water David Speirs

Email Minister Speirs letting him know you support the proposal for Australia's largest national park. And ask him to stop the expansion of the gas industry into the future national park.

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