After thousands of people like you pushed for it, a Major Event Review (MER) has now been triggered by the Victorian and Commonwealth governments—to review the impacts of the 2019-20 bushfires on forests, forest values, and forest industries.
Victoria's wildlife were teetering on the brink of extinction before the bushfires; now, their plight is worse than ever—yet logging continues in their forest habitat.
The Wilderness Society is making a submission to the Review Panel—ending 31 August. As part of that submission, we would like to include your name to demonstrate widespread community support for forest protection ...
After thousands of people like you pushed for it, a Major Event Review (MER) has now been triggered by the Victorian and Commonwealth governments—to review the impacts of the 2019-20 bushfires on forests, forest values, and forest industries.
Victoria's wildlife were teetering on the brink of extinction before the bushfires; now, their plight is worse than ever—yet logging continues in their forest habitat.
The Wilderness Society is making a submission to the Review Panel—ending 31 August. As part of that submission, we would like to include your name to demonstrate widespread community support for forest protection, tighter controls on logging, fast tracking the Victorian government’s transition to plantations by 2030 and for First Nations having a genuine say over protection, management and use of forests. We’ll be sending copies to Commonwealth and Victorian ministers as well.
It’s now more than a year after the fires, yet thousands of hectares of forests remain up for logging and logging rates have not yet been reviewed. The need for reform is urgent, the MER can’t come soon enough—there is no time for further delay.
Forests should be managed for all values—wildlife, water, carbon, recreation, cultural heritage and not just logging—because Victoria’s forests are important to the whole community.
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Image: Ben Baker